I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science Department at the University at Buffalo advised by Prof. Junsong Yuan. My research focuses on designing video perception and forecasting models for autonomous systems that will enable autonomous systems to perceive and forecast in the real world just as humans are able, and ultimately surpass humans ability to forecast. My research spans three core directions: Video Perception, where I develop efficient and domain-adaptable models; Future Forecasting, leveraging video perception to accurately predict future scenes; and Controllable Future Forecasting, integrating vision with agent intentions expressed through language to enhance forecasting controllability.
I've had the opportunity to intern at Amazon (with Tian Lan and Hui Liang). Before that, I worked at Adobe. I received my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from IIIT Hyderabad in 2015. In my free time, I enjoy reading, running, and cricket.
🚨🚨 I'm on the job market for industry positions starting Jan 2025! Please reach out (sudhirya at buffalo dot edu) if you think I might be a good fit for your team.
[July '24] 💃 One paper on forecasting future videos from novel views is accepted to ECCV 2024. Checkout out project page here.
[May '24] Started an internship at Adobe.
[Dec '23] Recieved Graduate Teaching Award from UB CSE Department, 2023.
[July '22] Our journal paper accepted to MVA.
[Mar '22] Two papers accepted to ICASSP 2022.
[Feb '22] One paper accepted to CVPR 2022.